howdy chief
what have you been up to? i've been painting here and there, since i got back, and i thought i'd share some of the progress with those of you kind enough to check back in. pretty random subjects at the momet, but then again, my attention span has never been that good. enjoy some pictures. there'll be more...

this is one that i did, just before i went travelling. it big.

human cannonball. i enjoyed painting the moustach.

pirates. last time i was in melbourne, my friend patrick and i were leaving a bar heading home, and we passed about ten guys heading in the opposite direction, all dressed as pirates. i yelled out "arrrrr", and one guy said to me, "it's true."

finally, this one's for you lisey. one of the rare moments dark lord graces us with his presence.
oh abbeeeeeeeeyyy... he's as beautiful as i remember (when he's asleep). I love the new paintings, 'spesh the human cannonball. you are ace, fordy. xxo
5:05 PM
Hey Hugh! Angie here. I still check out your blog and I've been seeing the same page for a pretty spell - so imagine my suprise and delight to see not only some new words - but paintings too! The paintings are fantastic. You really have your own stlye that one day may be referred to as "Fordian". As a 2nd grade teacher may say on a school report "Keep up the good work". Mattie and I would love to catch up with you. Lets have a drink in Newtown soon. Abe is super cute x
11:00 PM
Look at iiiiimmmmm......
Paintings awesome. come south soon, mexico, er, Melbourne misses you and its almost warm enough to leave the house again. xxx cliffy
4:20 AM
love all three man. Nice
9:33 AM
Love all three mate. Nice
9:35 AM
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