not too shabby
i've been in london now for roughly two weeks, and i like it. there's heaps to see and do, plenty of great parks to go and stretch out in, and we've had many great couches to curl up at night on. if i was a religious man, i'd say we'd been blessed, but i'm not, so i'll just say that we've had a great time.
yesterday we got the last of the touristness out of our systems by taking a trip on the london eye. it's a great big ferris wheel structure, with glass bubbles, that goes up so you can have a great 360 degree view of the city. we've had such good weather in london, it really felt like home. a beautiful blue skyline opened out in front of us, as we were lifted into the air to have a look. now i'm a little afraid of heights, and my next phobia i have, is that i'm a little afraid of enclosed spaces. got the sweats on the way up, but i managed to control myself enough to enjoy it.
i'm heading up to the mid-lands again tomorrow, for a world cup party in carlton, with elise's sister, husband and nephew. should be a corker. then on monday i'm going to catch us a bus up to bonny scotland for a week to visit my relatives. i've also got some friends in glasgow, who hopefully will put me up for a couple of days. then after that, it's off to amsterdam to start my working visa.
i emailed the design agency i was with in sydney, who have an office in amsterdam also, yesteday, and a lady called me on my mobile within about five minutes. she seems to think that i'll have no trouble finding work whilst i'm there. dangerously low on funds, so i hope she's right. going to meet with her on the 21st to see what she thinks, and then i'll take amsterdam from there. i've also got a friend of marcus' on board too, who seems to have a few contacts in the publishing industry over there. i'll get something i'm sure. all the photos i have seen of the streets look beautiful and leafy, so i'm looking forward to it. things are afoot...

one of the skyline views from the london eye.

a large plug i found in the alleyways of soho. good luck getting a universal adapter for it though. sheesh.

mexican stand off between elise and a local duck. the duck decided to come over and check out what she was doing. elise sat her ground and won.

a view from the other side of our bubble on the london eye. they called a trip on this a "flight", but it's not actually flying.

here's what the neighbours in the next bubble over from ours looked like.
hey there hughbie
my yahoo site at work aint workin...they've cottoned on that i email personal stuff too much me thinks. havent had the chance to go to internet cafe but will try in the next day or so. so using this comment thingy to get sum contact going. under three weeks til the move so need to get a few numbers and the like off you. cheers for my birthday wishes. say hey to all and ill email ya in the next few days. love ya heaps
11:34 PM
Hi Hugh,
I used to work at the Shell building
just behind the london eye. there was a salvidor dali exhibition near the aquarium there, I dont know if its still there. One museum you would like i think is sir john soanes museum just off southampton row, its small but packed to the brim with stuff. what are journey you are having, awesome.
love, lynne and seb.
12:54 PM
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