hot dam
amsterdam. such a beautiful city with cobblestones, canals, long boats, and helpful dutchys everywhere. spent most of week wandering around getting to know the streets, and finding nice places to eat. we were fortunate enough to have rented an apartment as a base, which meant we didn't have to up and rush like we would if we were in a hostel. this left us free explore the city at our own leisure. elise had told us about these great pancakes that they have over here, and boy was she right. massive pancakes filled with all types of deliciousness. yumm. as our trip has coincided nicely with the world cup, we got to watch a couple of australian games in a football mad atmosphere. we were robbed, the dutchy's were robbed. we understood each other. it was a very relaxed place to visit, and no doubt an extremely nice place to live.
the bubble really burst for me this week though. i went to see some people about job options when i got here, and learned some home truths. i found out that not only would it take about six weeks to get paid from working here, but that i didn't have enough money to get a place to stay, which i would need in order get said papers. needless to say, it was all just a bit too much for me, so i'm coming home. my trip really relied on me working for a few months earning some healthy euros, but without that, i'm left only with the internationally lame australian dollars to travel with. i have a about a week left in london now, before i head home. elise is in portugal at the moment, after that she’s staying to see if she can make a go of working and living in amsterdam. i really hope she can. nj is heading to spain for a week or so, to kick back and take it easy. well, as easy as the running of the bulls will let him... i hate to get sentimental, but this whole trip wouldn't have been the same without those two, so i have to say that it was really sad seeing them go. they've been backbone, and my bouncing board. i've had so much fun, i'll miss them a lot, but wish them well. i'll post again just before i go, let all you guys know about my last week of travels. til then, bye bye.

our bathtub in amsterdam, was in the loft, and overlooked some beautiful museums.

nj and elise chillaxing in our apartment. transfixed on something...

walking around the parks in amsterdam can be dangerous. so many bicycles to avoid. it's worth it though...

the calm before the storm of our pancakes arriving.

elise enjoying some oversized novelty clogs.
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