a wee stop off in glasgow
some firends of mine called bec and bob, were so kind and said they'd put me up for a few days, and show me some sights in glasgow too. bobby waved me off, and i caught the bus from wishaw into glasgow. thought i'd let my natural compass guide me to where bec worked, and in true style i went the opposite direction instead. i can never remember if i'm supposed to do the exact oppposite of that little voice or not, so after an hour or so, i decided to go and buy a map. found my way soon enough, and met up with bec at her work. i went back to their place and caught up with bob, and we all went out for some dinner. bec had organised for us to meet some of her friends to go and see wa smiths cover band on the anniversary of the release of the queen is dead album. we got searched for knives on the way into the venue, but passed the test with flying colours. they were fantastic. the leader singer was trying his best to look and act like morrisey, which was pretty special to watch. had way too many drinks, and stumbled home at what i remember as a reasonable hour, and went to bed.
the next day i walked around one of the artists districts that has lots of galleries and studios. it seems that i got there just a wee bit too early though, as only one of the galleries was open before twelve. so i had some coffees to kill time, and then just pottered around. glasgow is really beautiful. nice old buildings, and lots to look at. saw a few street pipers as well, which is always a treat. walked up and down teh malls, adn tried to get lost, but failed. i ended up right near where i was staying. i'll have to do somethign abotu that internal compass of mine...
i'd timed my trip well, as the end of year glasgow school of fine art street party was on, and they close off a whole street and have a greaet big party. there were thousand of peopel just millign about, enjoying the late sunsets, adn the warm weather, as well as a few beverages. the arts scence in glasgow is huge. they seem to have a real appreciation for artists, and their contributions towards the culture of the town. had a great time, and rolled my drunken body into bed again.
bec and bob drove me out to the airport through the fog, in the morning which again, was too kind. they really looked after me in glasgow, and i've got grand plans of going back some day. glasgow is indeed a beautifull city. until then, i'm off to london again, for a few days, then over to amsterdam to check out how easy this working visa thing is going to be. i'm really low on cash so, i hope it's not too hard. we'll see my friends, we'll see...

up a windy street, towards the school of fine art

this is an area of glasgow where most of the artists have their studios, and galleries. not a soul to be seen before twelve o'clock.

inside the glasgow school of fine art show. it's really an amazing old building.

a piper, taking his trade to the streets and the ears of the people.

bec and bobs apartment. a cool old building just outta the centre of town. twas my home.
Glasgow is indeed a beautiful city, and I can't wait to go back there next year!
12:29 PM
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