the soil of home
well, i made it back onto home turf. it took no less than thirty hours, involving two flights, one of which (after sitting still on the tarmac for three hours) i had to run straight past a smoking room for in kuala lumpur. i think i had the best cigarette of my life when i touched down in sydney. it was truly a beautiful thing (kids, stay in school). i was greated at home by my lovely cat abraham, for all of about two minutes, before he ran out the window and back over our neighbours fence. i think he's been spending more and more time with them, instead of people who were looking after my house. i expect him to be shitty with me for a couple of days, then he'll come good. nothing changes. i start back at my old job at AMP on thursday. it'll be weird to be right back where i was a few months ago, but great that they'd have me back. got plenty of creative juices, and no fewer than 1500 photos from the trip to serve as inspiration, so i really want to get stuck into some more painting in the next few months. stay tuned for samples. i went to visit my friend patty at his new house the other day. he bought a mud brick place in a small town called coomoora, just outside of daylesford. him and his wife belinda, have had a beautiful baby girl, giselle, since i've been gone, so it was great to finally meet her, and watch her dancing on the floor to devo. a few bloody cold days in ballarat, topped off my holiday nicely too. so, i guess it's back to the grind for me i'm afraid. even though i'm home, i'll keep posting on this little baby, so come back from time to time, and see what's happening. i'll leave you with some more photos, from the last few days of my holiday. i had such a good time...

the canal view from the window of marcus' new apartment. i helped them move in, in exchange for drinking all their booze, being annoying and sleeping on their couch for the week. fairs, fair.

marcus arguing with a pirate on my last night in london. those damn swashbucklers almost never listen to reason. almost.

little giselle with one finger in the air, showing me who's number one.

sunset en route to patty's new place with mum and dad. one, two, three, ahhhhhhh.

castle de stewart. very nice.