touchdown tokyo
well, touched down today at no later than 6.30am japan time. didn't get a hell alot of sleep on the plane, so was a little hazy. met our hosts james, tamaki and little alina, and they have been nothing short of the best hosts that we could have hoped for. went to a crazy aqua shopping centre for and a meal, and just to soak up some japanese culture. wow. caught a ferry home, just to cap it all off. napped in the afternoon, and then went in search of food, which will turn out to be a major pastime of ours on the road. ate so many differnt parts of different animals, that i don't even want to speculate. seriously. it's looking to be the superpower tour that we hoped and dreamed it would be. oh my. day one, and i never ever want to leave...
here's a few photos, to give you a taste. dewa mata...

me on one a japan's many attractive and retrospective rides

lisey & nj in front of a ferris wheel outside the aqua shopping centre

japan's weird aqua shopping centre architecture

travelling, thinking, living...

the intelligent and amazing alina. wow.
Yeah Winsome! Ride that chicken. Keep up the crazy good times, japan style.
5:52 AM
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